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125 results in multiple government agencies

Family Violence Risk Assessment: Review of international research

This review has been undertaken for New Zealand Police. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the international academic research and best practice literature on…

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2011

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…

Addressing the Drivers of Crime for Māori

The Government’s work to address the Drivers of Crime is co-led by the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Māori Affairs. Te Puni Kōkiri is…

Owners' Aspirations Regarding the Utilisation of Māori Land

Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned case study research to improve its knowledge base about land utilisation and identify areas of improvement in current regulatory regimes so as…

Improving Literacy and Numeracy for the Māori Workforce

Government and Māori emphasise the critical importance of good literacy and numeracy skills for Māori development, and more broadly for the New Zealand economy. Te Puni…

What’s on the Horizon? The Next Five Years and Beyond: An environmental scan

This environmental scan describes major drivers likely to shape New Zealand over the next five years and beyond. It aims to inform the development of New…

Māori, Science and Innovation - scenarios of potential, opportunity and value

This paper summarises scenarios modelled to demonstrate potential benefits (or costs) to the Māori economy, as well as to the wider NZ economy over the period…

New Zealand Arrestee Drug Use Monitoring report 2010

The aim of the New Zealand Arrestee Drug Use Monitoring (NZ‐ADUM) to measure the level of alcohol and drug use by police detainees and investigate the…

New Zealand Police Pre-Charge Warnings: Alternative Resolutions evaluation report

This is the final evaluation report of the Pre-Charge Warning: Alternative Resolutions initiative. The initiative is part of the Policing Excellence workstream and responds to calls…

Lifting Māori Productivity – a scoping paper

Productivity is about using resources more efficiently. A better use of resources will deliver a wide range of benefits including higher incomes, better use of the…