Search Results

125 results in multiple government agencies

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2012

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…

The Status of Marae in 2009 – Te Ora o te Marae i 2009

Marae are a key feature of the cultural Infrastructure of Māori society, acting as guardians of mātauranga and taonga and connecting whānau through whakapapa. The Status…

Waka Māori: He Pūrongo Rangahau/ Waka Māori: Survey Report

Waka Māori was a Māori showcase pavilion supported by Government to: contribute to the vibrancy and energy of the Auckland waterfront; provide a unique venue for…

The Asset Base, Income, Expenditure and GDP of the 2010

Prepared by BERL, this report estimates the size of the Maori Economy and illustrates the relationships between Māori economy and the wider New Zealand economy.

Youth Offending Risk Screening Tool (YORST) Reports

These reports look into the assessment and validation of the Youth Offending Risk Screening Tool (YORST). The first report responds to a request by the New…

Police Safety Orders Formative Evaluation

Police safety orders (PSOs) were introduced by the Domestic Violence Amendment Act 2009 and provided the New Zealand Police with the power to issue and serve…

Formative evaluation of Neighbourhood Policing Teams in Counties Manukau District

This report presents a summary of findings from formative evaluation of Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) in Counties Manukau District. The focus of this formative evaluation has…

A study of the children of prisoners: findings from Māori data

This study reports on the Māori data collected as part of a research project on the children of prisoners carried out in 2009 and 2010, for…

Māori Export Competitiveness

This report was produced because Te Puni Kōkiri wanted to gain a better understanding of the economic benefits of exporting, areas of New Zealand’s exporting advantage,…

Māori: Demographics for Economic Return

Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned research to help create an evidence base on the impacts of demographic trends and their implications for Māori economic futures. The report…