Search Results

741 results in multiple government agencies

Critical, Creative, Reflective and Logical Thinking in the NEMP Assessments

In 2002, the researcher conducted a probe study concerning student performance across the curriculum in items in the NEMP assessments which tested the essential skills (Knight,…

Determination of New Zealand tertiary institution e-Learning capability: An application of an e-Learning Maturity Model (eMM)

This research report was commissioned by the Ministry and undertaken by Victoria University of Wellington and e-Learnz Inc. It outlines the key findings from a detailed…

Income of Student Loan Scheme Borrowers

This report provides new information on the impacts of the Student Loan Scheme by looking at the income of those who used the Scheme between 1997…

Living with a student loan, a profile of student loan debt and repayment, post-study income and going overseas

This report, Living with a Student Loan, a profile of student loan debt and repayment, post-study income and going overseas, analyses the post-study incomes, progress to…

Impact of Student Support Services and Academic Development Programmes on Student Outcomes in Undergraduate Tertiary Study: A Synthesis of the Research

This project researched the characteristics of academic staff development programmes and student support services offered in tertiary institutions that make a difference for undergraduate tertiary students…

Student decision making by prospective tertiary students, a review of existing New Zealand and overseas literature

This report reviews and synthesises research literature on decision-making by prospective students on whether, where and what to study at a tertiary level. The report is…

Lets Talk Special Education

In August 2004 the Ministry of Education, Special Education embarked on a nation-wide community engagement on special education.Public meetings took place around the country in August,…

Retention, Completion and Progression in Tertiary Education in New Zealand

This paper discusses the results of the first comprehensive longitudinal study of qualification retention, completion and progression in tertiary education in New Zealand. Of the cohort…

Messages about reading

This report presents the findings from a study conducted in 2003 on the strategies adopted at three schools to enhance home-school communication in the area of…

Shaping our futures: Meeting secondary students' learning needs in a time of evolving qualifications: final report of the Learning Curves project

The Learning Curves project has documented changes in the subject and assessment choices offered to senior students in six medium-sized New Zealand secondary schools between 2002…