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741 results in multiple government agencies

Domestic postgraduate enrolments in 2013: early indications

In this paper, we access preliminary enrolment data to analyse the number of domestic students studying at the postgraduate level in 2013, and how this compared…

Early Effects of 20 Hours ECE

20 Hours ECE is an education policy aimed at increasing participation in teacher-led services and eligible kōhanga reo by reducing the cost barrier to families. 20…

Wānangatia te Putanga Tauira National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA)

NMSSA is an annual programme to assess and understand student achievement across the curriculum in years 4 and 8 in English-medium schools. The study has built…

Looking at the employment outcomes of tertiary education: New data on the earnings of young graduates

This report looks at the outcomes for young people who complete a qualification in the New Zealand tertiary education system. It looks at differences in incomes…

Tertiary Education Strategies: Monitoring and Evaluation

The Tertiary Education Strategies sets out the government’s expectations and priorities for New Zealand’s tertiary education system. They provide guidance for the Tertiary Education Commission’s investment…

Profile & Trends: New Zealand's Tertiary Education Sector

Profile & Trends is a primary information resource on New Zealand’s tertiary education system covering participation, achievement, resourcing, capability, research and much more.In addition to the…

Māori Medium Kaiako Survey

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the findings from the 2012 Māori Medium Kaiako survey. This survey collected information from kaiako about…

National Standards: School Sample Monitoring and Evaluation Project

In 2010 the Ministry commissioned a three year monitoring and evaluation project to get a broad overview of the implementation of National Standards in a representative…

Successful transitions from early intervention to school-age special education services: Literature review

When children transition from early intervention to school-age specialist services, Ministry of Education (Ministry) staff play a critical role in ensuring an effective transition—both across services…

Transitions from early intervention to school-age special education services

This paper presents an overview of the international literature related to transitions between early intervention services and special education services for school-aged children. The review describes,…