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712 results in multiple government agencies

Do people with doctoral degrees get jobs in NZ post study?

This study uses an integrated dataset maintained by Statistics New Zealand to analyse what percentage of a cohort of recent domestic doctoral graduates was employed in…

What do men and women earn after their tertiary education?

This paper looks at the relationship between young peoples’ tertiary education qualifications and their employment and earnings once they finish their tertiary study. It has a…

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Te Reo Research Project

The purpose of this research project was to gather information to help inform a review and refinement of the draft Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Te Reo,…

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Pāngarau Research Project

In this research project undertaken by the University of Waikato three schools were selected as case studies to provide information about professional development they were involved…

Involving Children and Young People in Research in Educational Settings

This report examines theory, practice and ethical considerations when involving children and young people as participants in research and evaluation projects. As will become evident throughout…

Teacher Loss Rates

These reports outline trends in teacher numbers, teacher loss rates and reasons for teacher losses. They are produced annually by the Demographic & Statistical Analysis Unit…

Competent Children, Competent Learners

The Competent Children, Competent Learners project is a longitudinal study undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) which focuses on a group of…

Prospect for International Student Enrolments in New Zealand: Profiles of 13 Source Countries

This report attempts to identify the most likely prospects for increasing international student enrolments in New Zealand, based on a concise and consistent methodology for assessing…

Evaluation of Two Autism Spectrum Disorder Parent Education Programmes

Since 2001, the Ministries of Education and Health have co-purchased autism spectrum disorder (ASD) parent education programmes for parents and whānau of young children (from 0…

(Using) evidence for educational Improvement

The New Zealand Ministry of Education has published a best evidence synthesis iteration (BES) that identifies the characteristics of teacher professional development that makes a positive…