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745 results in multiple government agencies

NEMP Health and Physical Education Assessment Results 2006

In 2006, the fourth year of the third cycle of national monitoring, two areas were assessed: health and physical education, and the writing, listening and viewing…

The Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Programme: Collaborative knowledge building and use across research, policy and practice in education, in CERI Evidence in Education:Linking research and policy.

This chapter looks at New Zealand's Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES) Programme, which seeks to develop and use bodies of evidence to explain what works and…

Second Language Acquisition for English-Medium Secondary Te Reo Māori Teachers - Evaluation of the PD Pilot Programme

The report is an evaluation of a professional development programme designed to enable English-medium secondary school teachers of te reo Māori to deepen their understanding of…

Bilingual Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand

In 2004, researchers from the University of Waikato, led by Professor Stephen May, who is an international authority on bilingual education, looked at the national and…

Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development (ICTPD) School Clusters Programme

Evaluations of the Information and Communication Technologies Professional Development (ICTPD) teacher professional development initiative. The ICTPD School Cluster programmes in New Zealand are aimed at increasing…

Literature review on intervention with challenging behaviour in children and youth with developmental disabilities

This report, by Luanna Meyer and Ian Evans, summarises the processes, approach, and findings of a review of the literature and knowledge base regarding severe challenging…

What factors impact on graduates' earnings three years post-study?

This report looks at the post-study earnings of those who borrowed through the Student Loan Scheme. It looks at the earnings of people three years after…

Children's Strategies in Numeracy Activity

This NEMP Probe study was associated with the course, TL835 Issues in Numeracy, in the Master of Teaching and Learning of the Christchurch College of Education.…

A changing population and the New Zealand tertiary education sector

The size of the tertiary student population is an indicator of the accessibility of tertiary education. It is also a key determinant of the levels of…

Trends in the Contribution of Tertiary Education to the Accumulation of Educational Capital in New Zealand: 1981-2001

One of the key determinants of our country’s economic progress is the level of skills in our population, and one of the key ways we track…