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745 results in multiple government agencies

Analysing the performance of New Zealand universities in the 2010 Academic Ranking of World Universities

This occasional paper examines the performance of New Zealand universities in the 2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). In particular, the…

Industry Training stocks and flows... and the effects of the economic downturn

This paper examines the new starts, terminations and other exits in industry training, looking at the relationship between industry training take-up and the business cycle. Because…

Schoolchildren in paid employment: a summary of research findings

This paper summarises the state of knowledge surrounding New Zealand schoolchildren in employment to early 2010. It brings together formative publications from earlier in the decade,…

Effective Learning in Early Childhood Education? The Impact of the ECE ICT PL Programme: A Synthesis Report

A framework to guide the effective use and investment of Information and communication Technology (ICT) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) services was initiated by the Ministry…

TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2006/07

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) measures trends in mathematics and science achievement at the fourth and eighth grades (Years 5 and 9)…

The Review of Special Education 2010: Public response summary

In 2010 the public were invited to participate in the Review of Special Education by responding to a discussion document featuring questions on special education.

Education that fits: Review of international trends in the education of students with special educational needs

The purpose of this review is to outline international trends in the education of students with special educational needs, with the aim of informing the Ministry…

Evaluation of Te Kotahitanga: 2004-2008

In 2007, Victoria University was contracted by the Ministry to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of Te Kotahitanga. It is the first external evaluation…

Summary of the Evaluation of Te Kotahitanga: 2004-2008

In 2007, Victoria University was contracted by the Ministry to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of Te Kotahitanga. It is the first external evaluation…

Digital Information Literacy: Supported Development of Capability in Tertiary Environments

This report describes a project to explore what digital information literacy is and how it could be most effectively applied in tertiary education.  It provides an…