Schoolchildren in paid employment: a summary of research findings

Schoolchildren in paid employment: a summary of re…
01 Sept 2010

This paper summarises the state of knowledge surrounding New Zealand schoolchildren in employment to early 2010. It brings together formative publications from earlier in the decade, more recent published research findings and summary findings from analyses undertaken by the Department of Labour in late 2009 on a number of existing data sets (previously unanalysed for this purpose).

The report takes a principled approach to data presentation and analysis. It uses the most recent and credible data sets and research findings where the information on a particular issue is available. It does not seek to list every research finding on each of the priority domains identified, but where divergences in research findings emerge, these are documented and commented upon.

Key findings are organised across three main domains; employment participation (including participation rates, types of work and times of work), employment conditions (including employment agreements, pay rates and health and safety experiences) and impacts of extracurricular employment on education and employment outcomes. The paper concludes with a discussion focused on gaps in our knowledge base, identification of current research activities throughout New Zealand and identification of strategic priorities for further research.  

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018