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Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture

Website: Ministry of Justice


Phone: 04 918 8800

The nature and extent of the sex industry in New Zealand: An estimation

The Prostitution Law Review Committee is pleased to introduce this report entitled The Nature and Extent of the Sex Industry in New Zealand: An Estimation. The…

The sex industry in New Zealand: A literature review

In June 2003, the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 repealed existing prostitution-related legislation and created a new legal environment for the sex industry. In order to be…

Young people and alcohol

This report (the fourth in a series) presents some statistics on the possible effects of the Sale of Liquor Amendment Act 1999, and focuses on the…

Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary

Burglary is a problem that considerably affects many New Zealand households. From victimisation surveys we know that it can have a profound effect on victims and…

The Rotorua Second Chance Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programme: An Evaluation

Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programmes have become an established service in many district courts and communities throughout New Zealand since the Crime Prevention Unit funded the first…

The Wanganui Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programme: An Evaluation

Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programmes have become an established service in many district courts and communities throughout New Zealand since the Crime Prevention Unit funded the first…

Evaluation of the Target Hardening Pilot Programme

The Target Hardening Programme (THP) was developed by the Ministry of Justice to provide increased home security and at the same time provide burglary prevention information.…

Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice

Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice is a cross-departmental research project aimed at identifying factors associated with effective outcomes in the youth justice system and assessing…

Research on the New Life Akoranga Programme of the Mahi Tahi Trust

The Mahi Tahi Trust works with prison inmates and their whānau, helping them to change their hearts and minds by discovering and recovering traditional Māori principles,…

Attitudes to Crime and Punishment: A New Zealand Study

The report presents the findings of the first comprehensive national survey of the views of a sample of adult New Zealanders about crime and the criminal…