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Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora

Website: Ministry of Social Development


Pacific Value Jobs Initiative - Final Evaluation Report

This research report presents the findings of the final evaluation of the Pacific Value Jobs (PVJ) initiative. Porirua’s PATE (Pacific Aim-Hi to Employment) programme and Mangere’s…

Training Incentive Allowance (TIA)- A Literature Review

This review of New Zealand and international literature was undertaken as part of the Training Incentive Allowance (TIA) policy review. The TIA programme has many of…

Thinking about the Configuration of Services in the Care and Protection Sector - Working Paper 05/04

This working paper is concerned with how to think about the configuration of services in the care and protection sector, and the sort of evidential and…

Assessing the Adequacy of Private Provision for Retirement: A Living Standards Perspective - Working Paper 03/04

This paper presents a living standards perspective on the adequacy of private provision of retirement income. It focuses on overall asset accumulation rather than solely on…

Movements into and out of Child Poverty in New Zealand: Results from the Linked Income Supplement - Working Paper 01/04

This paper considers one dimension of the family environment facing children, that of income poverty. It is part of the Ministry of Social Development's research programme…

Work Poor Or Working Poor? A Comparative Perpestictive on New Zealands Jobless Households

In recent years, researchers have identified a growth in both "work-poor" and "work-rich" households in several OECD countries, including New Zealand, indicating an increasing concentration of…

Work Poor Or Working Poor? A Comparative Perpestictive on New Zealands Jobless Households

In recent years, researchers have identified a growth in both "work-poor" and "work-rich" households in several OECD countries, including New Zealand, indicating an increasing concentration of…

Human Capital Issues in an Ageing Workforce

Almost half the New Zealand workforce is now over the age of 40. This ageing trend will continue as smaller cohorts follow the baby boom bulge…

Estimating the Impact of Employment Programmes on Participants’ Outcomes

This report summarises what has been learnt so far in estimating employment programme impact using administrative data in the New Zealand context. The report covers issues…

Evaluation of Avenues: Evaluation of Migrant Pilot Projects in Auckland North, Auckland Central, Waikato and Central Regions 2002

This report summarises four pilot schemes, completed in 2000/2001, designed to address issues related to the difficulties experienced by migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds who have…