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419 results in multiple government agencies

Vulnerable children - Can administrative data be used to identify children at risk of adverse outcomes?

Ministry of Social Development commissioned the University of Auckland to consider how predictive modelling could be used to target early intervention to reduce the risk of…

Vicarious traumatisation: An organisational perspective

Social Work Now, issue 50, pages 14-23. This paper is based on research that focused on investigating if a vicarious traumatisation framework resonated with counsellors who…

From student to employee: A conversation about transition and readiness for practice in a statutory social work organisation

Social Work Now, Issue 50, pages 2-9. Statutory social work organisations are a key site of practice learning and for the “construction and development of knowledge…

Disability Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand - 2012 Convention Coalition Report

This project was developed by the Convention Coalition to provide advice and information to the New Zealand Government to enable the formulation and implementation of practical…

Keeping practice fresh: Tailoring solutions for local situations

Social Work Now, Issue 50, pages 30-33. There are times when simple solutions to issues present themselves. The ability to explore innovations and new ways of…

Telling a child’s story: creating a words and pictures story book to tell children why they are in care

Social Work Now, Issue 49, pages 13-20. Open Home Foundation, an organisation that works with children and young people in care uses a story book approach…

Finding the best way to work with children and young people: Good engagement and giving them a voice

Social Work Now, Issue 49, pages 6-12. Frontline Child, Youth and Family social workers discuss the meaning and reality of engagement with young people. This key…

Listening to experts: Children and young people’s participation

Social Work Now, Issue 49, pages 30-39. Social workers who want their practice to be more child centred must learn to find new and better ways to listen…

Engaging Young Pacific Workers

Young Pacific people are a growing proportion of the New Zealand  workforce but very little is known about what helps them contribute fully at work. This…

Parents as First Teachers Evaluation

Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) is a low-intensity home visitation programme for parents with children pre-birth through to three years of age. In New Zealand, it…