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549 results in multiple government agencies

Life After Study: International students' settlement experiences in New Zealand

This report uses multiple information sources to describe the characteristics of international students in New Zealand, the motivations of former international students who have successfully transitioned…

Growing Up In New Zealand: Before We Are Born

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing…

Children’s contact with MSD services

This factsheet examines the contact young people born in 1993 had with Ministry of Social Development (MSD) benefit, care and protection and youth justice services in…

Modern apprentices’ literacy learning: A formative evaluation

The Modern Apprenticeship Literacy Programme with Literacy Aotearoa began in April 2008. This pilot involves 191 Modern Apprentices (MAs) (as at 31 December 2008) who undertook…

Engaging young adults in literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) skill development

The Department of Labour (the Department) is responsible for a crossgovernment programme of research and evaluation on workforce literacy, language and numeracy skills. Its purpose is…

School Children in Paid Employment

This paper summarises the state of knowledge surrounding New Zealand schoolchildren in employment to early 2010. It brings together formative publications from earlier in the decade,…

Providing Information Services to Migrants: Literature review

The literature review covers national strategies, policies, and plans to assist migrant settlement generally. The review includes specific references and provision for information services in Australia…

Key Findings from the Migrants Survey

The Immigration Survey Monitoring Programme monitors new migrants to New Zealand, employers, and the New Zealand public. The purpose of the programme is to build up…

Developing a Settlement Knowledge Base: Settlement research and evaluation literature sweep

How well migrants integrate or settle in a new country is of interest to all migrant-receiving countries. In recent years, research and evaluation projects have investigated…

Youth Issues Survey report from Waikato Rangatahi (2010)

Young people taking part in a Māori Youth Summit in Hamilton in September 2010 were invited to respond to a set of questions about what’s important…