Search Results

549 results in multiple government agencies

Towards a better understanding of young people: The introduction of a new risk, needs and strengths assessment tool

Social Work Now, Issue 47, pages 10-17. Alex was first caught offending at age 11 years. Social services had concerns for the safety and wellbeing of…

New Zealand’s Refugee Sector: Perspectives and Developments, 1987–2010

This study is part of a wider Department of Labour research programme entitled Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity. This multi-year…

Young, Disabled,and Speaking Out

The Office of Disabilities Issues (ODI) is responsible for preparing the New Zealand report on New Zealand's implementation of the United Nations' Convention on the Rights…

Labour Market Characteristics of Unpaid Carers

A substantial part of the workforce — about one-eighth — engage in unpaid care for "persons with ill health, a disability, mental illness, an addiction, or…

Customer Satisfaction with Immigration New Zealand Relationship Managers

The Employers of Migrants Survey assesses customer satisfaction with services provided by INZ, and the benefits and issues associated with employing migrants. This survey also monitors…

It’s not OK Campaign Phase 3: Helper and influencer survey

This research was commissioned in order to understand whether, and if so how, attitudes and behaviours relating to the willingness, confidence and capacity to give and/or…

Attitudes towards Immigrants and Immigrant Experiences: Predictive models based on regional characteristics

In a globally competitive market, New Zealand has set about formulating immigration policy and practices for economic growth and development. At the same time, due consideration…

Labour Market Outcomes for Immigrants and the New Zealand-born 1997-2009

In this paper, unit record survey data from the 1997–2009 New Zealand Income Survey (NZIS) is used to examine: how labour market outcomes and returns to…

Recognising and responding to child neglect in New Zealand

This report presents research findings on the neglect of children from birth to five years. The report is in two parts. Part A represents the findings…

University Entrance changes consultation for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority

The Ministry of Youth Development arranged a youth consultation for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) about proposed changes to the University Entrance standard. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority…