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549 results in multiple government agencies

The rise of temporary migration in New Zealand and its impact on the labour market

This study begins to answer the question of whether temporary migrants have had an impact on the employment outcomes of New Zealanders, either when the economy…

Convention Coalition 2013 Media Monitoring Report

This report on media monitoring outlines one half of the 2013 activities undertaken by the Convention Coalition in 2013. Article 8 of the Convention encourages “……

Firm-level Hiring Difficulties: Persistence, business cycle and local labour market influences

This research examines the incidence and persistence of reported hiring difficulties at the firm level. It investigates the characteristics of firms that are more likely to…

Bullying – what is it, and what works to prevent it? An overview of approaches that have been effective in preventing bullying in New Zealand Schools

Bullying among children and young people is a significant problem in New Zealand. A study conducted in 2008 by the International Association for the Evaluation of…

Making disability rights real 2011 – 2012 report

This report reflects the information and data currently available on disabled people. The partners in the monitoring mechanism agreed to focus on certain aspects of the…

Employer attitudes towards employing disabled people

This research was comissioned to explore New Zealand employers’ attitudes towards employing disabled people Employers were asked a range of questions in order to find out…

Home for Life evaluation

The Centre for Social Research and Evaluation (CSRE) evaluated the Home for Life policy to examine the research evidence for the policy, how the policy was…

Who Left, Who Returned and Who Was Still Away? Migration patterns of 2003 graduates, 2004-2010

This report presents new research on the extent that domestic graduates from tertiary education institutes (TEIs) leave, and then return to, New Zealand. It examines the…

Short-term Employment Prospects

The below reports provide employment prospects forecasts for 2012-15 and 2013-2016. The Ministry uses a short-term forecasting model that draws on the latest macroeconomic forecasts by…

Fresh Start Reforms in Operation progress report

The Fresh Start reforms, introduced in October 2010, aim to improve community safety and help address the underlying causes of offending by children and young people.…