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385 results in multiple government agencies

Individualising entitlements in New Zealand’s benefit and social assistance systems

Entitlement to most benefits and social assistant transfers are heavily reliant on the couple unit of assessment. This has serious impacts on a growing number of…

Growing Up in New Zealand: Transition to school

This research is part of the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal study. The purpose of the study is to provide evidence about what shapes children's…

KickStart Breakfasts and Indicators of Child Health in Linked Administrative data

The KickStart Breakfast programme was established as a partnership between Fonterra and Sanitarium. The programme runs KickStart Breakfast Clubs, where breakfast food is provided to primary…

Inter-parental relationship quality and its effects on children: A literature review to support analysis and policy

This report reviews current international and national literature about how interactions between parents influence children’s wellbeing and developmental outcomes.

For whom the bells tolls

This report offers a high level sweep of knowledge about a relatively narrow range of past social sector research initiatives, to identify any generic factors contributing to…

Making sense of evidence: A guide to using evidence in policy

The handbook helps you take a structured approach to using evidence at every stage of the policy and programme development cycle. Whether you work for central or…

Residential movement within New Zealand: Quantifying and characterising the transient population

This research looks at residential movements in New Zealand. Previous studies have linked frequent movement with poor outcomes for the affected individuals and their families, including…

What is known about the effectiveness of social sector freephone helplines?

This research is a review of the literature about freephone helplines and how they are used to provide social services support. The research found that helplines remain…

Bridging Cultural Perspectives

This report describes the He Awa Whiria – Braided Rivers model of using Western science and mātauranga Māori knowledge side-by-side for research and evaluation in the…

In-Work Support Evaluations