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417 results in multiple government agencies

OSCAR Programmes: Evaluation of the Ministry of Social Development’s Package of Assistance

This report presents the findings and conclusions from an evaluation of the Ministry of Social Development’s package of assistance to Out-of-School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) programmes.…

Growth in Numbers of Sickness and Invalids Benefit Recipients

This research paper is intended to report on an analysis that uses the MSD benefit dynamics data set to advance our understanding of the growth in…

Outcome / impact evaluation of Family Start

The Outcome/Impact Evaluation report contrasts national prevalence statistics available for factors such as smoking and breastfeeding with the outcomes reported for Family Start clients. These should…

Evaluation of the Youth Horizons Trust SCD Bridging Programme Report

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the process, outcomes and economic components of the Bridging Programme delivered by the Youth Horizons Trust. The…

Youth Transition Services: Lessons for Service Development

Youth transition services aim to assist young people to make the transition from school into further education, training or employment. This report presents key development and…

34 VOICES: New Zealand Business and Worker Interviews on Sick Leave and Parental Leave

The purpose of 34 Voices:  New Zealand Business and Worker Interviews on Sick Leave and Parental Leave is to gain insights into work-leave from those who…

Whanau Development Project: Final Evaluation Report

The Whanau Development Project piloted a devolved funding approach that involved the Ministry of Social Development providing funding and support for whanau, hapu, iwi and Maori…

Wellbeing, Employment, Independence : the Views of Sickness and Invalids' Benefit Clients

This working paper presents the findings and conclusions from a joint Ministry of Social Development and Victoria University of Wellington research project that sought to uncover…

The Nova Scotia Genuine Progress Index: Insights for New Zealand

This working paper describes the Nova Scotia Genuine Progress Index and recommends next steps for New Zealand to improve its social wellbeing reporting framework, with the…

Polarisation of Employment, 1986–2002: New Zealand in the International Context

In recent years, researchers have identified a growth in both “work-poor” and “work-rich” households in several OECD countries, including New Zealand. This growth indicates an increasing…