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417 results in multiple government agencies

Early Start Evaluation Report

Early Start is an evidence-based, early intervention programme developed by Professor David Fergusson, from the Christchurch School of Medicine, in conjunction with local social service providers…

Review of Family Group Conferences

When Family Group Conferences (FGCs) were implemented in New Zealand 25 years ago, this approach to helping vulnerable children and young people, as well as victims…

Vulnerable children - Can administrative data be used to identify children at risk of adverse outcomes?

Ministry of Social Development commissioned the University of Auckland to consider how predictive modelling could be used to target early intervention to reduce the risk of…

Indicators of permanent migrants from the Pacific

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last century…

Employers’ Perspectives - Part two: The Minimum Wage System

This report presents the findings from two data sources of employers’ perspectives on the minimum wage system. The report discusses the prevalence of its use, how…

Evaluation of the NZTE Incubator Support Program

The incubator support programme seeks to enhance the survival and growth of early-stage, high-growth businesses via the development of high-quality incubators. It currently contributes to eight…

Immigration Survey Monitoring Programme - Methodology

The target population for the Migrants Survey is migrants aged 18 years and over who were approved for residence through the Skilled/Business Migrants Stream or Family…

Vicarious traumatisation: An organisational perspective

Social Work Now, issue 50, pages 14-23. This paper is based on research that focused on investigating if a vicarious traumatisation framework resonated with counsellors who…

From student to employee: A conversation about transition and readiness for practice in a statutory social work organisation

Social Work Now, Issue 50, pages 2-9. Statutory social work organisations are a key site of practice learning and for the “construction and development of knowledge…

Disability Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand - 2012 Convention Coalition Report

This project was developed by the Convention Coalition to provide advice and information to the New Zealand Government to enable the formulation and implementation of practical…