
675 results within

Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora

Website: Ministry of Health


Phone: 04 496 2000

Actioning Medicines New Zealand

Actioning Medicines New Zealand is the action plan for Medicines New Zealand – the New Zealand medicines strategy. It is not an exhaustive list of actions,…

Ta'iala mo Tufuga Tā Tatau a Sāmoa

These guidelines address measures to improve the safety of customary tattooing and are of relevance to tattooists, public health units and Medical Officers of Health. These guidelines…

A Study for Community Level Harm from Gambling

This project aims to identify the impact of gambling on communities as a whole, how to measure the impact of gambling on community well-being or how…

Parent Information Project Report

One of the projects resulting from the Well Child Review was the Parent Information Project. This project aimed to determine the best way to provide Well…