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697 results in multiple government agencies

Intensive Care Services in New Zealand

The report from the intensive care clinical advisory group to the Deputy Director-General, Clinical Services, makes recommendations on a framework for intensive care services in New…

Working Together

“Working Together” was written by the Kites Trust to advance the Ministry of Health’s knowledge of how to obtain and integrate input from mental health service…

Public Health Depression Initiative: A Review of Depression Campaigns - Lessons for New Zealand

The National Depression Initiative (NDI) is a national project to raise awareness of depression, to aid early recognition, appropriate treatment and recovery. It is part of…

Mainstream Smoke Emissions from 'Roll-Your-Own' Loose Leaf Tobacco Sold in New Zealand

Mainstream Smoke Emissions from 'Roll-Your-Own' Loose Leaf Tobacco Sold in New Zealand analyses the smoke emissions from several ‘regular’ and ’mild’ brands of loose (Roll-Your-Own) tobacco…

Men and Health: A literature review

This review critically examines literature about men and their health status to inform considerations about men’s health in New Zealand.  

Suicide Prevention: A review of evidence of risk and protective factors, and points of effective intervention

This review was commissioned by the Ministry to help inform its development of the draft New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy, which was released April 27 2005…

Suicide Prevention in New Zealand - A contemporary perspective: Social explanations for suicide in New Zealand

In 2001, the Ministry commissioned a series of studies exploring a range of social epidemiological explanations for the trends in New Zealand's suicide rates to 1999.In…

Safer Sex Evaluation

The Ministry of Health funded an advertising summer campaign (2004/2005) to promote safer sexual health practices. The key goal for the advertising campaign was for at…

Outcome / impact evaluation of Family Start

The Outcome/Impact Evaluation report contrasts national prevalence statistics available for factors such as smoking and breastfeeding with the outcomes reported for Family Start clients. These should…

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

ECT is used mainly in the treatment of severe depressive episodes. It involves the passage of an electric current across the head of a person to…