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687 results in multiple government agencies

Auckland Region District Health Boards (DHBs) Review of Transition to New Community Laboratory Services Provider

This report presents the findings of a review of Auckland Region District Health Boards (DHBs) Review of Transition to New Community Laboratory Services Provider. The review…

Improving and Maintaining Quality in Ethnicity Data Collections in the Health and Disability Sector

High quality ethnicity data has been an ongoing concern for the health and disability sector in New Zealand. While ethnicity data has been collected for a…

Ethnicity, National Identity and ‘New Zealanders’: Considerations for Monitoring Māori Health and Ethnic Inequalities

Measuring and monitoring Māori health depends on having high-quality, available ethnicity data, both in the health sector and in official statistics more generally. This paper discusses…

Our Oral Health: Key findings of the 2009 New Zealand Oral Health Survey

The 2009 New Zealand Oral Health Survey is the first nationwide survey to collect information on the oral health status of New Zealand adults and children…

Fetal and Infant Deaths 2007

The purpose of the Fetal and Infant Deaths publication series is to inform discussion and assist in future policy development. Readership of this publication is wide-ranging…

Suicide Facts: Deaths and intentional self-harm hospitalisations 2008

This annual statistical publication presents and summarises suicide information received from the New Zealand Mortality Collection, and admissions to hospital for intentional self-harm sourced from the…

Health Expenditure Trends in New Zealand 1998-2008

The primary purpose of the series is to provide information on expenditure in the New Zealand health and disability sector. This document focuses on the 2007/08…

Cancer patient survival covering the period 1994 to 2007

This publication supersedes the Cancer patient survival covering the period 1994 to 2003 publication released by the Ministry of Health in 2006.The cancer registration data analysed…

Gap Analysis of Specialist Palliative Care in New Zealand: Providing a national overview of hospice and hospital-based services

The purpose of the report was to determine how close hospice and hospital providers of specialist palliative care services were to meeting the new draft service…

Hospital-based Maternity Events 2007

This report is the third in a series of on-line publications reporting on hospital maternity data as recorded in the National Minimum Dataset. The publication includes…