
957 results in multiple government agencies

Methodology Report 2013/14: New Zealand Health Survey

This methodology report details the procedures and protocols followed to ensure the New Zealand Health Survey produces the high-quality and robust data expected of official statistics. Included…

Tobacco Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

The tobacco use report presents key findings from the New Zealand Health Survey 2012/13 about tobacco use. It provides a snapshot of tobacco use by adults…

Alcohol-related attitudes in 2010, 2012, and 2014

The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a cross-sectional survey conducted every two years with a nationally-representative sample of New Zealand adults (aged 15 years and…

Enabling Good Lives progress and evaluation reports

This report details the findings from an initial evaluation of the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Demonstration in Christchurch. EGL is a new approach to supporting disabled people…

2014 Rheumatic fever campaign evaluation

In winter 2014, HPA and the Ministry of Health implemented a mass media campaign aimed at increasing awareness among parents and caregivers of at-risk children and…

Review of Tobacco Control Services

New Zealand, tobacco use is the single largest cause of preventable death, and a major factor contributing to health inequality. Half of all long-term smokers die…