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Office of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor

Website: Office of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor


It’s never too early, never too late: A discussion paper on preventing youth offending in New Zealand

This is the second report in a series of discussion papers exploring factors that have led New Zealand to have a high incarceration rate, with this…

A Commentary of Digital Futures and Education

This paper provides an understanding of the digital futures faced by children and adolescents, especially as these relate to their education. It examines established trends, the…

Using Evidence to build a better justice system: The challenge of rising prison costs

This work explores the factors that have led New Zealand to have a high incarceration rate and associated impacts on the capital costs of prisons. The…

Youth Suicide in New Zealand: a Discussion Paper

Not all suicide is the same and youth suicide often has different drivers to suicide at later ages. Further while much is spoken and argued about…

Enhancing evidence-informed policy making

This report reviews the state of New Zealand's science advisory ecosystem, identifying where progressive improvements could still be made.

Toward a Whole of Government/Whole of Nation Approach to Mental Health

At present, the structure in New Zealand for treating mental disorder and supporting mental health is neither optimal nor working well.  However, we have the understanding…

New Zealand’s fresh waters: Values, state, trends and human impacts

The report is in two sections. The first is a summary report written from the Office of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor with the assistance…

Making decisions in the face of uncertainty: Understanding risk

This paper is Part 1 in a series of three discussion papers that aims to provide a broad frame of reference for discussion of risk in…

Health effects of water fluoridation: A review of the scientific evidence

20 August 2014 Dr Roger Blakeley Chief Planning Officer Auckland Council Dear Dr Blakeley In February this year, on behalf of several Councils, you made similar…

Science Advice to Government Conference

The first Science Advice to Governments conference took place in Auckland New Zealand on August 28-29, 2014. The meeting was co-hosted by the Office of Sir…