Trends in Residence Approvals 2002/03

Trends in Residence Approvals 2002/2003 (pdf)
01 Sept 2003

This report is the third in a series produced annually to provide background information about trends in residence approvals. The reports are written in a readily accessible format to make the data useful for informing policy decisions, identifying trends in immigration flows and to increase the public’s understanding of immigration flows. Trends in residence approvals in this format have been monitored since July 2000 and now constitute a time series, enabling comparisons of recent immigration patterns with those identified in previous years. The current report provides data for the 2002/2003 financial year. Below is a brief summary of residence approvals in this period. More detailed information about approvals in each residence category can be found in the relevant sections of the report, as can data describing aspects of temporary migration.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018