What is the NZCASS?
The New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey (NZCASS) is a face-to-face survey of almost 7000 randomly chosen people living in New Zealand who are aged 15 or over.
The NZCASS has been carried out three times: 2014, 2009 and 2006.
The NZCASS collects information about New Zealanders’ feelings of safety and their experiences of crime. The survey aims to:
- provide information about the extent and nature of crime and victimisation in New Zealand
- measure how much crime gets reported to Police
- understand who experiences crime and how they react
- identify the groups who are more at risk of being a victim
- understand the experiences and needs of victims
- measure crime trends in New Zealand.
Who is the survey for and why do we do it?
Knowing more about New Zealanders’ experiences of crimes will help a range of agencies like the Ministry of Justice and Police, create safer neighbourhoods and communities.
How is the survey carried out?
Interviews are conducted face-to-face using laptop computers rather than paper questionnaires. The interviews happen in participants’ homes. Depending on the questions asked, they normally take between 30 and 50 minutes. A private research company is contracted to the Ministry of Justice to do these interviews.