Reconviction patterns of released prisoners: A 60-months follow-up analysis

Reconviction patterns of released prisoners: A 60-…
15 Sept 2008

I am pleased to introduce this report as it provides a wealth of information on re-offending patterns amongst released prisoners.

The statistical information in this report is based on a cohort of offenders released from prison sentences in New Zealand over a 12 months period in 2002-2003.

While there is no reason to believe that overall rates of re-imprisonment in New Zealand are worse than those of other countries, from my perspective these rates are too high, and need to come down.

The report highlights important differences in the re-offending risk of different sub-types of offenders. The relatively high rates of re-imprisonment for Māori and for young offenders are particularly concerning.

The report points to potentially fruitful areas of research to better understand why the identified trends occur, and what might be done to address risk factors which affect certain sub-groups.

I am confident that this report, and others in the same series, will be a valuable reference tool for those with an interest in correctional trends and issues, and will promote informed discussion about our correctional system.

I welcome any feedback or comments you might have regarding this report.

Barry Matthews
Chief Executive

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018