National Survey of Employers 2012/13

National Survey of Employers 2012/13: Summary Find…
01 Sept 2014

This report summarises results from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s National Survey of Employers (NSE) 2012/13. The purpose of this annual survey is to monitor labour market, immigration, and employment matters to improve the Ministry’s evidence base for evaluating policy and answering contemporary policy questions. The survey findings are being used to inform policy evaluations and on-going policy development, for accountability reporting, and to regularly monitor current employer practices in New Zealand.

The NSE 2012/13 interviewed 1,529 New Zealand employers between October 2012 and March 2013. Respondents were asked to answer the survey questions about the business site they were currently working from, that is, for their establishment only rather than for the total enterprise.


The purpose of the annual NSE is to:

  • monitor labour market, immigration and employment matters from the employer perspective
  • improve MBIE’s evidence base for developing and evaluating policy, and answering contemporary policy questions.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018