Hangaia te mātāpuna o te mōhio: learning foundations for Māori adults

Hangaia te mātāpuna o te mōhio: learning foundatio…
01 Sept 2009
Hangaia te mātāpuna o te mōhio: learning foundatio…
01 Sept 2009

Hangaia te mātāpuna o te mōhio can mean to build the precious gift of knowledge or to build the well-spring of learning. It symbolises the experience of Māori adults as they re-enter education to develop their literacy, language and numeracy. This report summarises three research projects that explore how success for Māori adults in the learning foundations of literacy, language and numeracy can be built on the foundations of Māori culture and identity.


The three projects examine programmes taught by Māori tutors. They use a kaupapa Māori research approach, which reinforces the importance of Māori language and culture and takes for granted the validity and legitimacy of being Māori and of Māori knowledge. Māori processes include whakaWhānaungatanga (making or renewing relationships), settling the wairua (inner sense of well-being or spirituality), manaakitanga, (respecting Māori customs, and working together in and for a collaborative process). A key feature of all the projects is the prominence given to the voices of the Māori participants.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018