Final Evaluation Report of the Recognised Seasonal Employer Policy (2007-2009)

Final Evaluation Report of the Recognised Seasonal…
01 Jan 2009
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This report describes and assesses the first two seasons of the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Policy (1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 and 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009). The report examines how the policy was implemented, identifies short-term outcomes, and assesses how potential risks were managed.


An independent evaluation company, Evalue Research, was contracted to undertake the evaluation. This report is a synthesis of data collected in two phases (July–November 2008 and June–August 2009). The evaluation used a mixed methods design. This included qualitative interviews with Pacific workers, employers, Pacific and New Zealand government officials, recruitment agents, industry and union representatives, and community participants. Fieldwork was conducted in New Zealand and five Pacific states.

Quantitative data included two online surveys of employers undertaken by Research New Zealand and analysis of administrative data held by the New Zealand Department of Labour. Government and industry documents were also reviewed. The evaluation also draws on data from a 2008 Department of Labour audit of wages and earnings from 17 RSE employers.

A merit determination rubric was developed with dimensions and criteria identified by New Zealand government and industry representatives. The rubric described what key dimensions of policy would look like if the policy was meeting stakeholders’ expectations.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018