2010 ANZ Ngāi Tahu Financial Knowledge Survey

2010 ANZ Ngāi Tahu Financial Knowledge Survey: Ful…
01 Sept 2013
2010 ANZ Ngāi Tahu Financial Knowledge Survey: Sum…
01 Sept 2013

This report presents the results of the financial knowledge survey of 400 Ngāi Tahu iwi members. Colmar Brunton was commissioned to conduct this research for and in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (and with the support of the Retirement Commission).

This ANZ Ngāi Tahu Financial Knowledge Survey follows the 2009 ANZ Retirement Commission Financial Knowledge Survey which provided a national overview of the financial knowledge of New Zealanders. Comparisons between the Ngāi Tahu survey results and the New Zealand results (national average) have been made in this report.

The purpose of the Ngāi Tahu survey is to:

  •  establish a benchmark of financial knowledge among Ngāi Tahu members against which future comparisons can be made to evaluate initiatives introduced to improve the financial literacy of Ngāi Tahu members.
  • enable the financial knowledge of Ngāi Tahu members to be benchmarked against that of all adult New Zealanders.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018