Search Results

161 results

School to work: What matters? Education and Employment of Young People Born in 1991

This study explores the education and employment experiences of young people born in 1991. The main purpose of the study is to explore the kinds of…

State of Care 2016

State of Care 2016 is an annual report based on our independent monitoring of Child, Youth and Family’s policies, practices and services. It includes feedback from…

In Focus: Standards of evidence for understanding what works: International experiences and prospects for Aotearoa New Zealand

Good intentions for social interventions are not always enough. Decision-makers need quality evidence to know whether the products or services they develop, invest in or deliver…

Immigration New Zealand: Supporting new migrants to settle and work

In 2013, we published a report on a performance audit we carried out of how well the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (the Ministry), through…

Education for Māori: Using information to improve Māori educational success

In 2012, we started a five-year programme of work to find out how well the education system supports Māori students to achieve their full potential. This…

Skills at Work: Survey of Adult Skills

This report looks at how skills, work-related learning and qualification mismatch varies across different industries and occupations. The report also compares training rates and the prevalence…

Skills and Education: Survey of Adult Skills

This report investigates the relationship between education and skills for New Zealand adults, how this relationship has changed over time and how it compares to other…

The deteriorating adult patient: Current practice and emerging themes

This paper provides a ‘snapshot’ of current practice in the recognition and management of the deteriorating adult inpatient in New Zealand. It also includes health sector views on…

Ngā Rāhui Hau Kura (Suicide Mortality Review Committee Feasibility Study 2014–15)

In September 2013, the Ministry of Health contracted the Health Quality & Safety Commission to trial suicide mortality review, an action contained in the New Zealand…

Comorbid substance use disorders and mental health disorders among New Zealand prisoners

A study of New Zealand prisoners conducted by the Department of Corrections in 1999 showed that up to 70 percent had drug and/or alcohol problems and…