161 results
Last Publication Date: 20 Jun 2016
Childhood sexual abuse can have significant short- and long-term effects, including the subsequent development of alcohol use disorder. This report is an evidence-based guide on the association between…
Last Publication Date: 16 Jun 2016
Family violence is a population health issue that occurs globally, and is not limited to any one gender, religious, cultural or income group. Violence and abuse…
Last Publication Date: 9 Jun 2016
This paper explores the changes in tenure patterns (home ownership and renting) between 1986 and 2013, but focuses particularly on changes within the Māori and Pacific…
Last Publication Date: 3 Jun 2016
This Action Plan was developed as a way of addressing the need to provide sustainable, high-quality pharmacist services in a complex and evolving environment. It emphasises…
Last Publication Date: 1 Jun 2016
To inform a scheduled review of the National Reportable Events Policy, the health Quality & Safety Commission has conducted a brief scan of overseas literature on…
This report presents the findings from the 2016 Green Prescription (GRx) initiative patient survey, conducted for the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) in April and May…
Profile & Trends is a primary information resource on New Zealand’s tertiary education system covering participation, achievement, resourcing, capability, research and much more. In addition to…
This report looks at how the skills in of New Zealand adults compare to other countries and how they have changed over time. Also explored is…
In 2016, 4,131 New Zealanders aged 18 years and over participated in a survey about their engagement with conservation, their views about DOC and its work,…
This report compares provision, participation, and student performance in courses delivered by e-learning methods with courses that do not use e-learning. This is analysed at a…