Search Results

161 results

Review of the New Zealand crime and safety survey and other statistical information about the social impact of crime

Review of the NZ crime and safety survey and other statistical information about the social impact of crime: 2016 sets out the results of a review by…

Community Perceptions of Migrants and Immigration

This report presents the findings from a Community survey designed to measure New Zealanders' attitudes to migrants. The survey was conducted from September to November 2015.…

Improving Outcomes in Age Residential Care

Auckland University of Technology was contracted by the Ministry of Health to evaluate whether changes made to auditing processes have improved outcomes for people living in…

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) 2014

In 2014, the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) assessed student achievement at Year 4 and Year 8 in two areas of the New Zealand…

New Zealand International Education Snapshot- 2015

This report provides a snapshot of the trends in New Zealand’s international education industry across 2015. It brings together data from a number of sources to…

Monitoring the Youth Guarantee policy 2014

This report focuses on the effectiveness of fees-free places and secondary-tertiary programmes in keeping young people in education, assisting them to attain NCEA Level 2 or…

Understanding the Classification System: New Zealanders' Views

We commissioned Colmar Brunton to carry out a survey of the public’s views about, and understanding of, the classification system - and about New Zealanders' changing…

What Works: Going digital to deliver wellbeing services to young people? Insights from e-tools supporting youth mental health and parenting

From online programmes to serious games, video teleconferencing and text counselling, digital platforms lend themselves to providing preventive and self-managed care options. Commonly cited benefits include…

In fact: frequency of alcohol consumption among year 10 students, 2012-14

In 2014-15, more than half (57%) of all 15 to 17-year-olds consumed alcohol in the past year (Ministry of Health, 2015). Alcohol consumption in people under…