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161 results

Meeting requirements for children’s safety and wellbeing in ECE

This report highlights how early childhood services keep up to date with changing regulations and legal requirements in order to effectively manage for children’s safety and…

ECE Participation Programme Evaluation: Stage 3

This report is from the third stage of an evaluation of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) ECE Participation Programme. The overall evaluation focus is on how…

Profile & Trends 2014: Tertiary Education System and Student Support [Part 5 of 5]

Tertiary Education System and Student Support is the last of five reports replacing Profile & Trends:  New Zealand's Tertiary Education Sector.  The new Profile & Trends…

Insights for Teachers: Year 7-10 teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction

This is the third 'Insights for Teachers' focusing on TALIS. In this Insights for Teachers, we report on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction, as reported in…

Impact of the Family Start Home Visiting Programme on Outcomes for Mothers and Children: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Family Start workers make regular home visits and, using a structured program, seek to improve parenting capability and practice. Workers also actively work to promote breastfeeding,…

The transformation of NZ Police crime statistics: New measures and trends

In 2014 New Zealand Police replaced its historic twice yearly official crime statistics with new monthly statistics. The old and new statistics are not comparable, making…

Standardised classifications across different platforms

The Government is currently undertaking a review of content classification in New Zealand, with one potential outcome being that all content could use the same set…

Sport and Active Recreation in the Lives of Auckland Adults

Sport and Active Recreation in the Lives of Auckland Adults draws on Sport NZ’s 2013/14 Active NZ Survey to provide insights into how people living in…

Health Star Rating Monitoring and Evaluation

The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a new voluntary front-of-pack labelling system developed for use in New Zealand and Australia. It takes the guesswork out of reading…

The Global Trigger Tool: A review of the evidence

The Health Quality & Safety Commission has facilitated a review of literature associated with the development and use of trigger tools to determine rates of harm…