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161 results

Types of alcohol consumed by adults on last occasion: 2014/15 ABAS

The type of alcohol consumed on typical drinking occasions varies by the drinkers’ sex, age and ethnicity (Ministry of Health, 2015). Those who drink at harmful…

Alcohol use by 15 to 17-year-olds: 2014/15 ABAS

The HPA’s Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey (ABAS) monitors New Zealanders’ behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol, including alcohol consumption in the past month. This factsheet…

People’s estimates of risky drinking behaviour in New Zealand: 2014/15 ABAS

The Health Promotion Agency (HPA)’s Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey (ABAS) monitors New Zealanders’ behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol, including questions about social norm perceptions…

Experiences with drinking culture in New Zealand: 2014/15 ABAS

This fact sheet reports on New Zealand adults’ experiences and expectations relating to behaviour and pressures in drinking environments.

Number of alcoholic drinks and time spent drinking on last occasion: 2014/15 ABAS: In Fact

The pattern of drinking alcohol on an occasion (how much a person drinks and how fast) is related to the level of intoxication, and the risk…

Cutting back on drinking: 2014/15 ABAS: In Fact

In 2013/14, one in five (20%) New Zealanders aged 15 years or more who drank alcohol in the past year reported a potentially hazardous alcohol consumption…

The post-study earnings and destinations of young domestic graduates

This series of factsheets and associated data tables provide information on the outcomes for young people who complete a qualification at a tertiary education provider in…

Public sector accountability through raising concerns

The theme for our 2014/15 work programme was Governance and accountability. Our dedication to transparency and accountability helps to make our country’s public sector management special.…

Perceptions of drinking culture in New Zealand: 2014/15 ABAS: In Fact

When people perceive that heavy drinking is highly prevalent or permissible in their community, they may be more likely to develop risky drinking patterns themselves (Kypri…

Managing privacy responsibilities in ECE

In Term 1, 2015, ERO evaluated how well 200 early childhood services managed their responsibilities under the Privacy Act 1993. The evaluation looked at what service…