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277 results

Literacy in Early Childhood Services: Good Practice

The intent of the evaluation was to gain an insight and understanding of literacy teaching and learning in early childhood education. This report complements the ERO…

Women in trades: interviews with employers and tradeswomen

This study was to understand what employers were currently doing in New Zealand to attract and retain women in male-dominated trades and to learn more about…

Poisson Regression Modelling of the Effectiveness of the Meningococcal B Vaccine (MeNZB)

New Zealand experienced a prolonged epidemic of Meningococcal B disease starting in 1991 and peaking in 2001. In response, a strain-specific meningococcal B vaccine (MeNZB) was…

An Implementation Plan for the Guidance for Improving Supportive Care for Adults with Cancer in New Zealand

The Ministry of Health contracted with Health Outcomes International (HOI) in April 2010 to develop a plan to implement the Guidance for Improving Supportive Care for…

Education Outside the Classroom: Schools' Use of EOTC Guidelines

This evaluation investigates how well schools are using the EOTC Guidelines in their provision of EOTC, how well their EOTC activities complement the curriculum, how well…

Progress report on the development of a Victims Code

This paper seeks Cabinet's agreement to align the timing of Cabinet's approval of a draft Victims Code with the Victims of Crime Reform Bill, so that…

The Price of Cancer: The public price of registered cancer in New Zealand

This report calculates the annual price of all cancers registered with the New Zealand Cancer Registry in 2008, and then estimates the drivers and likely magnitude…

Review of the sentence of home detention 2007-2011

The sentence of home detention was introduced in November 2007. This sentence may only be imposed where the court would otherwise have imposed a short-term sentence of…

Preventing Child Neglect in New Zealand: Summary report

Social Work Now, Issue 48, pages 18-24. Neglect is a serious form of child maltreatment that is at least as damaging as physical or sexual abuse…

Focusing on the child: Redressing neglect in child protection

Social Work Now, issue 48, pages 25-32. Children and young people are vital members of families, communities, and society, and ultimately of future generations. As such…