Search Results

277 results

Value of sport and recreation: Research Series

A growing area in sport and recreation in New Zealand and internationally is valuing contributions made by sport and recreation to society. In this section are…

Parent and caregivers perceptions and attitudes towards children's physical activity and physical education: Results of a NZ primary schools physical activity project

A pilot physical activity project was trialled in 15 primary schools in Christchurch and Auckland, New Zealand, with the aim to increase the quality and quantity…

Sports Volunteers’ Experiences Survey

This report details the findings from the Sports Volunteers’ Experiences Survey conducted on behalf of Sports and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC) in 2007. In the survey,…

Understanding Commitment and Enduring Involvement in Outdoor Recreation in New Zealand

Maintaining or increasing participants’ commitment to their recreation pursuit is an important goal for the recreation sector. Declining participation has been attributed to larger socio-demographic trends,…

Oranga Waha: Oral Health Research Priorities for Māori

The Ministry of Health and the Health Research Council of New Zealand funded Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare (University of Otago, Wellington) and seven…

It’s not OK Campaign Phase 3: Helper and influencer survey

This research was commissioned in order to understand whether, and if so how, attitudes and behaviours relating to the willingness, confidence and capacity to give and/or…

NEMP Writing, Reading and Mathematics Report 2010

In 2010 the National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP) examined what a nationally representative sample of New Zealand students in year 4 and year 8 know and…

2010 Health and Lifestyles Survey: Alcohol-related attitudes

In the 2010 Health and Lifestyles Survey, 1,740 participants were asked a series of questions about drinking status, how much they would support or oppose various…

Health and Lifestyles Survey 2010: Methodology Report

The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a monitor of the health behaviour and attitudes of  New Zealand adults aged 15 years and over, and parents…

Alcohol Use and Maori Young People

This fact sheet presents findings about alcohol use among young Māori attending secondary schools in New Zealand. These findings were drawn from a large national survey that investigated…