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184 results

Reading Recovery in New Zealand: Uptake, implementation, and outcomes, especially in relation to Maori and Pasifika students

This research project evaluated Reading Recovery, an early intervention for students making limited progress in reading and writing after their first year at school. The study…

Futurewatch - Biotechnologies to 2025

This report aims to help departments take biotechnology developments into consideration in policy development operations and implementation. Information about technology trends can be used at a…

The Humanities - Charting a way forward

This paper proposes a number of pragmatic steps and options that the government could take to progress a relationship with the Council for the Humanities, in…

Portfolio Evaluations 2001-2005

This report presents consolidated findings from portfolio-based evaluations.  These evaluations addressed the issue of RS&T performance focussing specifically on research users, research uptake and outcomes, and…

Portfolio Evaluations: Industry Survey of Building and Construction Research

An industry survey regarding Foundation-funded research in building and construction was completed in March – April, 2005. This was one of five research user surveys carried…

The Effects of In-School and In-Tertiary Employment on Academic Achievement and Labour Market Transitions: Evidence from the Christchurch Health and Development Study

Work for pay by students could have both negative and positive effects on their lives. The most commonly cited detrimental effects relate to both the quality…

Māori population: looking out to 2021

In response to a request from the Hui Taumata 2005 Steering Committee, Statistics New Zealand has prepared this paper looking at current and future aspects of…

Study of New Zealand's Venture Capital Market and Implications for Public Policy

This study of the New Zealand venture capital market was commissioned by the Ministry of Research Science & Technology (MoRST) and sponsored by a number of…

Portfolio Evaluations: Food Products RS&T

The evaluation food products RS&T funded by the Foundation is based on a survey of food companies and industry associations completed in May/June 2004.  The survey…

Evaluation of the Techlink Programme

This evaluation of Techlink is undertaken to examine its strategic performance including performance against objectives and to make recommendations on performance improvement. Techlink was established in…