
1165 results

Subjective whānau wellbeing in Te Kupenga

These reports address a substantial gap in the quantitative evidence base about whānau wellbeing. They are also the first to undertake a detailed analysis of self-assessed whānau wellbeing…

Alternative Action Report

This research project explored reoffending paterns for youth undertaking Police Alternative Action. It describes changes in the reoffending outcomes observed in 17,317 cases (involving 14,605 distinct children and…

Social Workers in Schools

This evaluation provides new insights into the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) initiative. Social workers in Schools (SWiS) is a government-funded, community social work service provided in…

Youth Mental Health Project

Adolescence can be a period of high vulnerability for young people. To support their resilience and wellbeing, the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project (YMHP) was…