
1491 results

How Government helps with the cost of disability

Disabled people want the chance to live like other New Zealanders. However, disabled people face many barriers and costs before they can achieve their aspirations to…

NEMP Social Studies Assessment Result 2009

In 2009, the third year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: mathematics, social studies and information skills. This report presents details…

Māori Smoking and Tobacco Use 2009

This profile provides key facts and information about Māori smoking and tobacco use compared to non-Māori. It presents data on daily smoking rates over time, current…

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako

Kia Eke ki ngā Taumata, kia Pakari ngā Kaiako - He Tirohanga Akoranga: An Exploration of In-Service Support and Professional Development Provision for Māori-Medium Teachers. Haemata Ltd…