
671 results

Valuing the census

Valuing the census quantifies in dollar terms the benefits to New Zealand gained through the use of census and population statistics information. The conclusion is clear: despite…

TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey 2013

This report outlines the results of the TELA Laptops Scheme School Survey for 2013.  This survey was conducted in order to determine whether the current products…

PB4L School-wide Evaluation: Preliminary findings

This report presents indicative findings from the first phase of an evaluation of Positive Behaviour for Learning: School-Wide (PB4L: School-Wide). The report discusses the implementation and…

Raising achievement in secondary schools

This report documents the findings of ERO’s 2013 evaluation of how well 40 secondary schools analysed and responded to their NCEA data.

What young graduates do when they leave study

This report focuses on the destinations of young domestic graduates. It complements our recent publication 'What young graduates earn when they leave study' which looks at…