
2533 results

Fresh Start Reforms in Operation progress report

The Fresh Start reforms, introduced in October 2010, aim to improve community safety and help address the underlying causes of offending by children and young people.…

Mātātuhi Tuawhenua: Health of Rūral Māori 2012

This report, Mātātuhi Tuawhenua: Health of Rural Māori 2012, provides a snapshot of the health of Māori and non-Māori living in rural and urban areas.  Comparisons…

Review of the Voluntary Bonding Scheme

This report is a three-year review of the Voluntary Bonding Scheme for medical, nursing and midwifery graduates, run by Health Workforce New Zealand.The Scheme, which started…

Guidance for implementing high-quality multidisciplinary meetings

The Guidance for implementing high-quality multidisciplinary meetings and the accompanying factsheet Quick reference for high-quality cancer multidisciplinary meetings provides a framework and toolkit to support district…