
2327 results

HPV Immunisation Programme Implementation Evaluation

In September 2008, the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) launched the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunisation Programme (the Programme) across New Zealand.The Programme aims to reduce cervical…

Tupu Ola Moui: Pacific Health Chart Book 2012

Tupu Ola Moui presents key indicators for Pacific health including socioeconomic determinants, risk and protective factors, health status, the health system and health service utilisation. It identifies…

Audience Atlas New Zealand report 2011

This is a detailed survey of cultural audiences in New Zealand. The survey covers 39 artforms and leisure activities and 640 individual arts, culture and heritage…

Culture Segments New Zealand 2011

Culture Segments is a new, international, sector-specific segmentation system for arts, culture and heritage organisations designed by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre (MHM). The system uses data from…

Broadcast programming For Pacific Audiences

This report was developed to help identify narratives and trends, over the last decade, of Pacific broadcasting history, and opportunities for Pacific audiences; providing some indication…