
1347 results

What encourages people to smoke? In Fact

It is important to know what encourages people to smoke so that efforts can be made to reduce exposure to things that encourage smoking. In the…

Parental influence on children's smoking: In Fact

In the Health Sponsorship Council’s (HSC’s) 2008 Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS), respondents were asked a series of questions to assess their perceptions of parental influence…

Mainstream Māori Programming

Māori programming in mainstream television has changed since the first New Zealand broadcast in 1960. Ngā Matakiirea was engaged by NZ On Air to examine the…

Mental Health: Service use in New Zealand, 2007/08

The publication presents data extracted from the Mental Health Information National Collection, and covers the year ended 30 June 2008. This publication will be available in hard…