
1022 results

He Pa Harakeke: Māori Health Workforce Profile

He Pa Harakeke: Māori Health Workforce Profile presents the most recent statistical information of Māori in the regulated health workforce, as well as career profiles highlighting…

An Ounce of Prevention

As the case studies in this booklet attest, there are many good reasons to view family violence as a health issue. Health professionals are often the…

Living at the cutting edge

Living at the cutting edge: women’s experiences of protection orders.

Time Use Survey Scoping Paper

Assessing the population’s wellbeing involves understanding how people lead their daily lives. Time use surveys measure the ways people spend their time. From a social viewpoint,…

Informal Caregivers Literature Review

This literature review explains the growing interest in informal caregivers by researchers and policy makers. It outlines the policy regime in New Zealand and other countries and…

Longitudinal Research on NCEA and Student Motivation

Longitudinal Research on the Relationships between NCEA and Student Motivation and Achievement was funded as a series of studies by a Ministry of Education research contract…