
2058 results

Home for Life evaluation

The Centre for Social Research and Evaluation (CSRE) evaluated the Home for Life policy to examine the research evidence for the policy, how the policy was…

Māori Immersion Education for your Child

This publication provides information for parents and whānau and looks at: the benefits of Māori immersion education, what to expect, what children learn, preparing your child…

Fresh Start Reforms in Operation progress report

The Fresh Start reforms, introduced in October 2010, aim to improve community safety and help address the underlying causes of offending by children and young people.…

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2010

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of a collaborative process involving the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders, representing consumer, midwifery, obstetric, general…

Guidance for implementing high-quality multidisciplinary meetings

The Guidance for implementing high-quality multidisciplinary meetings and the accompanying factsheet Quick reference for high-quality cancer multidisciplinary meetings provides a framework and toolkit to support district…

KiwiSport in Schools

KiwiSport is a government initiative established in 2009 to increase opportunities for school-aged children to participate in organised sport. This report presents the findings of a…