
1400 results

Future Workforce Development Needs

This report provides an overview of workforce development requirements in the next five to 10 years within the context of changing modes of service delivery, including…

Census of Women’s Participation 2010

This is the fourth benchmark report written and published by the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. It expands the coverage of women in public and professional…

The right of people with disabilities to be parents

Social Work Now, Issue 46, pages 25-28. Article 23 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to which New Zealand became a signatory…

Lifting Māori Productivity – a scoping paper

Productivity is about using resources more efficiently. A better use of resources will deliver a wide range of benefits including higher incomes, better use of the…

The Windmill Programme: Thinking outside the square

Social Work Now, Issue 46, page 36-40. Research has shown that children with disabilities struggle to find a place in mainstream social and recreational programmes (Families Commission,…

Growing Up In New Zealand: Before We Are Born

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing…