Search Results

154 results

Care and protection secure residences: a report on the international evidence to guide best practice and service delivery

This report was commissioned by the Ministry as part of ongoing work to improve the quality of services for children and young people in Child, Youth…

Health Star Rating Monitoring and Evaluation

The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a new voluntary front-of-pack labelling system developed for use in New Zealand and Australia. It takes the guesswork out of reading…

The Global Trigger Tool: A review of the evidence

The Health Quality & Safety Commission has facilitated a review of literature associated with the development and use of trigger tools to determine rates of harm…

Tuia te here tangata: Making meaningful connections

In term 3, 2014, ERO undertook a cluster review of five Puna Whakatupu as part of scheduled education reviews. During the course of these reviews, we…

Formative Evaluation of Sore Throat Clinics

Rheumatic fever can be prevented by prompt diagnosis of a Group A streptococcal (GAS) throat infection and treatment with antibiotics.  The Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme aims…

Sistema Aotearoa evaluation report

Sistema is a social intervention programme working in many countries based on the El Sistema model, initiated in Venezuela in 1975. The programme uses music as…

Evaluation of the 2015 Rheumatic Fever Awareness Campaign

The Ministry of Health contracted Allen + Clarke Policy and Regulatory Specialists Limited (Allen + Clarke) to carry out an evaluation of the 2015 Rheumatic Fever…

Review of Physical Activity Guidance and Resources for Under-Fives

Developing information on physical activity for under-fives is one of the 22 initiatives in the Childhood Obesity Plan, and an important part of the broad population…

Measuring the effectiveness of ‘whole-of-system’ response to prevent family violence

The Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) commissioned the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (ESR) to develop and test a systems approach to…

Evaluation of the Cancer Nurse Coordinator Initiative Second Annual Report

The second annual Cancer Nurse Coordinator Initiative (CNCI) evaluation report draws on a wider range of data sources than the 2014 report and the data quality…