
2212 results

Comparing classifications 2010 & 2011

The classifications assigned to films and games by different countries are substantially variable as are the symbols, names and meanings used on classification labels. Nevertheless, it…

Sun safety promotion in territorial authorities

This research study assesses sun protection policies and practices in territorial authorities. In an earlier version of this report, Appendix 7: Latitude and Coastline Classifications By Council…

New home buyers report

This report presents the main findings of a survey carried out for MBIE by Research New Zealand on 754 purchasers of new homes during 2011-12. The…

Secondary Literacy Reports

National and international evidence suggests that in many education systems, including New Zealand, large numbers of students graduate from or leave school without the levels of…

Renal Denervation – Technology note

Consequent to the 2011 National Health Committee (NHC) referral round, this Technology note considers the case for investing in renal denervation (the application of radio frequency…