
1265 results

Speak up, seek help, safe home

Speak Up, Seek Help, Safe Home. A review of literature on culturally appropriate interventions for intimate partner violence in ethnic communities.

Settlement of Pacific Migrants

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last 150…

Māori Housing Trends 2010

This report examines four key areas: housing supply; assistance and affordability, home ownership, and rental tenure. It begins with an overview of key Māori population dynamics.…

2010 Māori Housing Trends report

The purpose of this report is to provide an evidence base to inform the development of Māori housing policy. This report provides an overview of Māori…

Working for Families Evaluation

The Working for Families Evaluation has been jointly conducted by the Ministry of Social Development and Inland Revenue Department. It aimed to assess: The implementation and delivery…

Sole parenting in New Zealand

The Ministry of Social Development led a cross-agency and cross-sector research programme that looked at changes in the rate of sole parenthood, sole parent employment and…

Hospital-based Maternity Events 2006

The 'Hospital-based maternity events 2006' provides health statistics on the pregnancy and childbirth characteristics of mothers who gave birth in hospital, and the babies' characteristics and…