
1029 results

Promoting quality research

This report used data from the Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluations to analyse the factors associated with the likelihood of university academics being promoted between…

Working with young people

Social Work Now, Issue 42, pages 5-11. Working with young people is tremendously rewarding. Few professional areas of social work provide the kind of practice potential that…

Modern Apprenticeships – Completion Analysis

This report describes an analysis of the Modern Apprenticeships scheme through examination of the Modern Apprenticeship coordinator data collection, and the industry training administrative dataset. The…

A Focus on Science Achievement

This paper summarises data on engagement and achievement in science across primary and secondary schools. This information has been collated across national and international studies undertaken…

Industry Training – Exploring the Data

This report examines industry training administrative datasets to determine the feasibility of their use for analytical purposes. It finds that the industry training data,  despite some…